czwartek, 8 marca 2012

Heading Podlasie 07.03.2012 / Day 10

First day at that place we decided to spend travelling through two different protected areas. First - Bog in Borki.  As it was very difficult to reach for human beings many ungulates used to stay there (a refuge for bison, elk) and it was quite a good place for being a hiding place for animals like wolf or lynx. Unfortunately 'yet again' we couldn't find any tracks of those predators! After a walk through this first one we met only two greater spotted woodpeckers.

A little cross with our tour guide we came back for a lunch. We left part of our group and moved to "Old Biele" another protected area with renewed hope to find some predators, or 'at least' a three-toed woodpecker. 
At last our wishes came true as soon after leaving the car we met one female of that species of woodpecker. 

We continued into the forest. From every direction sounds of woodpeckers could be heard. We decided to concentrate on predators. During our trip close above our heads a white tailed eagle flew and sat in a nearby tree. Soon after that we found some bones (probably elk) in the forest, but very old ones. We dug up the earth in a vain attempt to find the skull but no luck. After a further epic trip through frozen alderwood flooded forest we spotted close by a pair of  stunning black woodpeckers.

Soon before reaching our car we heard an animal passing close by in the forest. We checked the tracks  and guessed that it was most likely to have been a running bison. 

Evening track into the forest in search for the Tenglmans owl didn't succeed, but conditions were perfect - no wind, full moon, temperature about 0 degrees. 

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