That day we left Bialowieza forest and we headed north - to Knyszynska Forest. We departed at about 9 AM so we had more time to explore new region. Weather wasn't perfect - cold arctic air was enlarging the feeling of cold...
We were travelling by the eastern border of Poland from village of Jalowka, through Bobrowniki, to Kruszyniany. We hadn't got luck - we spotted only some beaver dams, buzzards and roe deers. Nothing special.
In Kruszyniany we changed our priorities and decided to learn something about local history, culture and religon. What is interesting - in that region - there are some tatarians which are islamic. We visited mosk (one of three woden mosks in that region of Poland from XVII century), and their old cemetery. It was very interesting for our guest to see how different cultures exist one next to other on polish ground. At the cemetery we met a black woodpecker and finally had a really good chance to observe it! After short walk in nearby forest we traveled to next place - Ritowisko.
It was hard to drive there as roads were very icy, and it wasn't a great pleasure, but we did it! :)
After arriving to a beautiful place of Ritowisko and sorting our rooms we had time to explore nearby terrain. We hadn't got good luck once again - we met some tits or jay's but nothing special.
After diner we searched for some owls but there was any, even weather conditions were perfect.
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