poniedziałek, 27 lutego 2012

Heading Podlasie 27.02.2012 / Day 1

In cooperation with WildlifeTours (A.Feilx Felger) and Wildlife&Wilderness UK

Trip to the most beautiful regions of Poland. Exploring Podlasie region (North-East Poland) with Biebrza National Park, Narew National Park, Bialowieza National Park and Knyszynska Forest. Our aim is to find and see some interesting birds and mammals like elks, beavers, bison, otters, pine martens, minks, and most importantly - wolves and lynx.

Day 1:
It was 6.30PM. when I met my guests on Okęcie Airport in Warsaw - plane was on time. We found each other without any problems and first meeting was a little scary. After buying some water and loading up the luggage we started our trip to the east in my special Renault Kangoo. We had a nice talk during the drive. We traveled to Biebrza Region in about 3 hours. After perfect dinner and sorting our rooms we had time for a short talk about our plans for next few days. Before going to sleep we heared tawny owl in nearby forest, and some other luckier guests in Dobarz (our hotel) said that they had heared wolves howling.
After news about people who met lynx close to the hotel we decided to start our day in early morning hours.

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